Monday, April 23, 2007

What's keeping me busy...

Things are crazy busy around here lately. I guess I can’t really say that because I’m still not working so it’s not like I have a 9-5 job and then have to squish everything in.. I guess there is just a lot more going on for me than there has been lately… For example – my immigration appointment has been scheduled! May 7 at 10:30am in Portland, I meet with the interviewers and get asked a bunch of questions about who I am and why I want into their country. Hopefully, if THAT all goes well and they haven’t dug anything out of my past (which I’m not sure what there is to dig out…), they MAY stamp my passport right there and I’ll be able to leave the country. Or they may not. It’s their prerogative… they can do what they want.

IF they stamp my passport and I’m free to go, we will get home Monday evening and then on Wednesday morning, we will leave for Antigonish, NS where my sister is getting married on Saturday (which is why it would be super cool if they let me out… the interview is ahead of schedule… so totally a God thing, I have no doubt in my mind they’ll let me out!) So we’ll head there to help with beforehand stuff. (well, I will… Jer will need to take his computer and find a remote area and get things ready for the annual church meeting the following Tuesday). We’ll have to leave the reception by 7-8pm so that we can be home by midnight-1am so Jer can preach the next day. Then, nine days later, on Tuesday May 22, we fly out of Manchester, NH to Tucson, AZ for a two week vacation in the sun!

We come home June 6, ready to continue packing and preparing (while Jer continues working at the church here). One month later, on July 6-15, we head to Brown’s Flats, NB to our church district family camp at Beulah. We come home Sunday evening, pick up a U-Haul FIRST thing Monday morning, pack it, collapse from sheer exhaustion and then get up and drive towards Carlisle, PA the next morning. We’ll take two days to get there, collapse, move in Thursday, collapse. Jer’s first Sunday at the church is that Sunday, July 22.

Hope you really wanted to know why it’s busy, cause now you know …. THE REST OF THE STORY…

1 comment:

  1. The rest of the story, very funny. We will pray for you and your immigration appt. You look pretty innocent...for a red-head. So Lord-willing they will have mercy on you.
