Friday, April 17, 2009

How'd we get so busy???

Today, I had to introduce myself to my husband. How did we get so busy??

This past week we have hardly seen each other:

Sunday (5th) - dinner out with couple from church and cleaning house (time together but hardly quality "us time")
Monday (6th) board meeting-- Jer gone 5-9:30ish
Tuesday - first night of ladies study - rushed supper, clean up, Jer leaves so we can have house, he was back by 8.
Wednesday - supper at church because we have music practice and Lagoon prep -- home by 9
Thursday -- he left at 4:45am for a district event, home by 8ish

As I was driving to pick him up from Enterprise after his Thursday day trip, he called me and told me to open my calendar and block off the entire afternoon this coming Thursday (his normal day off) for "US TIME". So I did just that. It wasn't until I got there and began talking about my trip to BOOST (children's ministry conference event at Headquarters) that we realized that I leave on ... Thursday. So we began searching for another US TIME night..

Wednesdays out for church stuff
Tuesdays out for Ladies study
How about Monday? GREAT!

Until we got home and I found facebook messages from a group of girls who had been trying to find a time to get together for coffee..... what night was good for them?? Monday....

Granted, if I were reading this, I would be saying to me "Skip coffee -- have a night with Jer!" Except that I was the one who knocked out the previous two nights that they had all been available... So, Jer, being as forgiving and gracious as he is, told me to go. So I'm going (and if you're reading this, I want to -- really I do -- I almost didn't write in the Monday option because I didn't want you to think I didn't... but it's part of the story....... I do want to ! Looking forward to it!)

So Jeremiah worked his butt off getting ready for Sunday today so that TOMORROW can be us day. Besides that little jaunt to the grocery store that I'm making first thing in the morning. Then STRAIGHT home. and that's it...

UGH -- I need a vacation.

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