I had the pleasure of sharing my wedding date not only with my best friend (see last post), but with my current three best friends. Amy Morris, Amanda Whitteker, and Alison Lapan (the alliteration is a coincidence, I promise!)

Alison and I don't date back quite as far, but the love is there! She and I attended 4 years of college together, and while there were semesters that we didn't spend a lot of time together, she was always there to come back to. I've always been told that the best way to ruin a good friendship is to live with the person. This wasn't true for us. Our last and final semester at school, we decided it was high time that we lived together. With an invitation from Julie Parrot (McComiskey) and Tina Becker, we moved into the townhouses. What a great semester :) Sorry about all that Wes stuff. I hope you still love me!!

Amy Morris... ah yes. Of the three, Amy and I date back the shortest length of time. However, she is one of my dearest friends. She is a true to life answer to prayer for me (and I for her!!). Upon arriving home from Bible College, I needed a job. I was volunteering at the church, but needed to make an income. Amy worked with the city of Ottawa and basically, without knowing me, gave me 2 positions to start when I got home. She had started attending the church while I was at school and had become a Christian with a heart on fire for God. It was a joy to work with her. But there was more to my prayer than needed work. I needed a *friend*. At college, I had been surrounded with Christian friends, much opportunity for companionship, or even just someone to hang out with. At home, having left all that behind, I began to feel very alone. My prayer was for a close friend that I could pour into and who would pour into me. Little did I know, that was Amy's prayer, verbatim. Over the 2.5 years that I lived at home before getting married, Amy and I became the best of friends. We watched movies, scrapbooked, spent hours walking around town, spilling our hearts to each other. She was my boss in the city, I was her boss at the church where she volunteered in the children's ministry. She truly was (and is!) an answer to prayer. She and her husband Mike continue to be two of our biggest supporters. This will not be a friendship that is soon left by the roadside. We've become too important in each others lives to say goodbye so easily.
When choosing who of my friends I would like to stand with me at my wedding, there was no doubt in my mind that these three girls would be the ones. I am honoured and thrilled to have had such amazing friends and confidants as these three. God has blessed.
you may be out of the 'contract'
ReplyDeletebut you still have a covenant relationship to all your bbc friends to post! :)
Oh Sarah! I can always count on you to make me cry!! You are such a blessing to me and I love you very much. It was an honor to be your matron of honor and I cherish the oportunity to stand with you on your wedding day! I believe God has big things planned for you and Jer. I miss you like crazy, it will take more than a marriage, a few oceans and thousands of miles to separate us! Our friendship is a gift from God and such an anwser to prayer, you may be far in miles but never far in thoughts and prayers! Love you!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see you again!!
You are still not allowed to make me cry. Remember when I used to tell you that you weren't allowed to get married until I was ready? Well I may not be ready for bigger things, but when I saw you and Jer and I heard how you spoke, I knew that you were ready and that you were happy. That made me ready! I still miss you everyday (even though I may not tell you about it) You are always in my thoughts. I love you.