Saturday, April 21, 2007

New Possibilities Denied --- and packing continues

For anyone who read my last post and wondered what the "new possibility in Carlisle" was, now that it isn't going to happen (for now anyway), I feel more free to say what it was :) We had invited Jer's brother and sister-in-law (so I guess *my* brother-in-law and sister-in-law) to leave where they are living now and come up to Carlisle for a new beginning. We were going to live together for the first few months until Jer and I were ready to buy a house and they were ready to take over full payment of the rent. We were really excited about the possibilities - Jer would LOVE to have some family around and it would have been a great opportunity to reach out and share the blessings that *we* have incurred in the last 6 months. God has been SO good to us. But Elizabeth (sister-in-law) could not find the course she is looking to take in the community colleges there, so they have decided to stay where they are. Pray for them as life in their home is not altogether easy... They are living with Elizabeth's parents and a sister and baby and soon to be a brother/girlfriend/new baby. If I were there --- I'd want to know people were praying for me!! haha

They are coming up in December for a wedding - maybe they'll fall in love with the town and just *have* to take us up on our offer :)

On another note, the packing continues. More on that later :) Our house is starting to look like a box factory!!!

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