Sunday, on our way home from lunch after church, Jeremiah says to me, "I don't really feel like it now, but maybe later it would be nice to go to Dairy Queen and share a blizzard." I didn't really feel like it at the time either, but agreed that maybe later it would be nice. A couple of times throughout the day, the thought of Dairy Queen that evening was mentioned. Later on that afternoon, we were invited out for supper with a couple from church. And then they took us to the new Coldstone, so I figured Dairy Queen was out.
Around 9pm, Jer asked if I would go with him to cash a reimbursement cheque because he wanted it to clear Monday morning. On the way home, he drives RIGHT PAST our apartment. My quote "Um, we live there." He made a comment about being tired and just missed it. So we went up to the corner to turn around. Since Dairy Queen IS just around the corner, Jer decided to go in and "see what the prices on ice cream cakes are" in case he ever wanted to get one for church (which at the time sounded believable).
So we went in, we looked at prices, we left through the other door, walked along a (closed) strip mall "just to see what was there" since we hadn't yet. Then we went back to Dairy Queen towards the car.
A couple was just getting out of their car and walking towards the DQ, and I was **JUST** about to say to Jer, "that woman looks like my mother," when I realized it WAS my mother!! My mom and dad had come from Ontario to visit us! I was SOOO surprised (and happy!!). It had been a long week and it was JUST what I needed to begin a new week fresh.
Thank God that he knows what we need and when we need it and that he shares these thoughts with other people so they can be his hands and feet.
Thank God for family. And visits. And new towns. And husbands. And Casa Mani :)
I love you, Mom and Dad!
Oh, and Jeremiah says I love him too! hehe