1- I can't believe it is February. 2 months and 3 days until Jer and I have been married a year and a half.
2- For Valentine's Day, my desired gift list includes a couch, a fridge, and a house. All of which are on their way to being chosen currently :)
3- It's incredible to even be thinking about buying a house and, after looking at finances, still feel it is a feasible venture!
4- The ghost shrimp have still not shown up. But I'm not afraid. I've decided even if they are in my house somewhere, we can co-habitate quite happily.
5- The guppies should have babies between Friday and Sunday... Here's hoping we can catch the mommies in time to keep the fries from being lunch.
6- We had a church special meeting last night about hiring on an assistant pastor at the church. This is the first I've mentioned this because it was to be brought to the church congregation first, but I'm sure we'll talk more about it after the vote (Feb 17) and as it progresses.
7- I love our town. If you feel the need to visit a little town that is fantastic but that is low key and somewhat unknown, come visit us!! We've got the best coffee house in town, excellent small town restaurants, Christian concerts galore (in a couple hour radius anyway), and of course, you'd get to visit us.
8- Jeremiah is on his way to get measured for Justin's wedding in May. So awesome :) I'm glad it happened for you, Justin!
Have a great and blessed Monday.
Your ghost shrimp gross me out! Ew, ew, ew is right! On another note...Justin is getting married??? To someone I would know? Congrats to him!