I'm proud to announce the arrival of
Baby Zida-Brown
Name: ~TBD~
Birth Date: July 30, 2008
Birth Time:2:54 am
Height: 20.5 inches
Weight: 7 lbs 11 oz
This is my newest niece. I haven't met her yet because she is in Seattle, but I know I will love her just the same! I've talked to mommy a couple times today, but she was pretty tired (see time of birth...) Now if only Jaymie will have hers then maybe it will be my turn to give this whole pregnancy thing a try... hehe. Don't hold your breathe just yet!!!
Nieces and Nephews to date:
Emily (9) - (Krista's #1, my sister)
Marc (6) (Anthony's #1, Jer's brother)
Isaac (4) - (Krista's #2, my sister)
Naima (2) - (Gina's #1, my sister)
Jake (2) - (Krista's #3, my sister)
Laurel (2) - (Anthony's #2, Jer's brother)
new baby in Seattle (very young) - (Gina's #2, my sister)
to come baby in Antigonish (not yet breathing air - due in Aug) - (Jaymie's #1, my sister)
to come baby in Tucson (not yet breathing air - due in Dec) - (Christian's #1,Jer's sister)