Our family quickly grew from just the two of us to
- the two of us - Jeremiah and Sarah
- seven guppies, 3 male, 4 female - Mom, Pop, Flash, Angel, Dark Angel, and two unnamed wonders
- four red platys - Uno, Dos, Tres, and Quatro
- two albino corydora catfish - Al and Bino
- one bala shark - The Fonz
- one algae eater - Sludge
- one angel fish - unnamed
- two bubble mollies - Faddy McFaderson and the unnamed
- one dwarf gourami - still to be named

Unfortunately, in setting up a tank, it takes time to get the levels right and with the fish store being 2 hours away, the fish are up against some tough odds. Especially when one gets left in the car for an extra hour (apologies and regrets, our dead angel fish friend). In the week since the fish have been in our care, we have lost six (RIP to all of you- May you never forget our true love for you). Fortunately, the rest seem to be of a tougher breed.
Here's The Fonz, swimming in all his silver shimmering glory

haha, very nice names and pictures. I hope the fish are surviving well the past few days :)